Download OnePlus Music Player APK for OnePlus Devices

Download the OnePlus Music Player APK for All Android devices. OnePlus Music Player comes with a minimal, clean and beautiful material design! Read ahead to know more and download OnePlus Music Player for your device.

Download the OnePlus Music Player APK for OnePlus devices. OnePlus has just released the Android Oreo based Oxygen OS Beta for OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T. One again, OnePlus has delivered what it has promised. I flashed the Open Beta as soon as it was made available and so far, I did not face any issues at all. The build is buttery smooth and there are some nice new features straight from the Android Oreo such as Picture in picture mode, Google AutoFill AP and much more. OnePlus has also redesigned the quick settings panel to accommodate more quick settings shortcuts which is pretty neat. Apart from that, I do not find much of visual difference between this build and the last. OnePlus has also issued a mandatory disclaimer to expect hiccups as it is still a beta software.

OnePlus Music Player APK 1 • Download OnePlus Music Player APK for OnePlus Devices

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OnePlus Music Player for Android Oreo

For reasons unknown, OnePlus has decided to remove the OnePlus Music Player APK from the latest Open Beta Based on Android Nougat. I was a regular user of the OnePlus Music Player app and I absolutely loved. Play Music is good but it’s far from smooth. There are a lot of hiccups here and there in Play Music and it’s just not for me. If you’re like me and love the OnePlus Music Player, do not worry, we have got your back. We have the latest OnePlus Music Player APK which can be installed on your OnePlus device running Android Oreo [Oxygen OS]. Take a look at the screenshots below:

Download OnePlus Music Player APK

You can download the latest version of the OnePlus Music Player APK by clicking below:


Install OnePlus Music Player APK on OnePlus Devices

You do not need root to install this APK file on your device. Simply tap on the download the APK file and install as normal APK. Please note that this has only been tested on Oxygen OS running OnePlus devices.

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